
02 July 2011

Either this Wallpaper goes or I do...

I've just finished a Dover Thrift collection of six short stories by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, 'The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Stories'.  I bought it because my class read 'The Yellow Wallpaper' at school and now I'm older, I wanted to re-read it.

'The Yellow Wallpaper and
Other Stories' by Charlotte
Perkins Gilman (Dover Thrift
Edition, 1997)
This collection includes six stories, all published between 1892 and 1914 and all unexpectedly relevant and modern in their message.  I think my favourites were 'Making a Change', the story of a young family cracking under the strain of a grumpy new baby, and 'Mr Peeble's Heart', about a dutiful husband who finally does something for himself.  BUT my very favourite was 'Three Thanksgivings', the story of a widow standing on her own two feet despite the protestations of her own selfish, adult children and a predatory money lender.

Considering how long ago these stories were written, it's amazing how modern the voice used is and how relevant the issues and situations still are.  Gilman is a feminist writer, so she's highlighting and exploring relationships in a way that was unusual pre-Great War and it's very refreshing.  But don't let that put you off.  Unlike many feminist writers, there is a lot of humour in what Gilman writes.  She uses a lot of wit to make her points and the stories are much the better for it.  After all, no one likes being preached at!

Overall, I'm so glad I read this book.  It wasn't at all what I expected and I can't wait to read more of Gilman's work.  It's another pleasant surprise among the many pleasant surprises that I'm having on this quest!  Let's hope it's not the last!