
07 July 2012

The Art of Reading

I had a lovely visit to the city of Chichester in West Sussex recently and was delighted to find an exhibition of Philip Jackson's imposing sculptures on display in the cathedral precincts.  Reading is such a personal experience that I'm always fascinated when artists use their talents to express it visually, so I was particularly drawn to a number of Mr Jackson's amazing creations:

'Reading Chaucer'

'Guided Missal'

'Guided Missal' in close up.

'Chanting Cimaosa' (I know it's not strictly reading, but I couldn't resist!)

'Chanting Cimarosa' in close up.

'Mr Bennet's Daughter'.  Can't imagine what that's a reference to!

The exhibition is on from 25 June 2012 to 28 July 2012 in the cloisters of Chichester Cathedral.  Don't miss out on this wonderful collection of work!

For more images of Mr Jackson's sculpture, visit his website: .