
03 November 2019

Love Fools (Nearly)

'The Love Delusion' by Nicola Mostyn

Last year, I thoroughly enjoyed Nicola Mostyn's chick-lit-adventure-comedy-fantasy mash up 'The Gods of Love', so you can imagine how excited I was when a follow up was announced.  So, did 'The Love Delusion' leave me smitten all over again?

Frida McKenzie is the most cynical of all divorce lawyers, independent, self-assured and, above all, really great at her job.  So great in fact that she's rapidly rising through the ranks of 'The Love Delusion', a movement determined to rid the world of it's illogical obsession with love.  Frida's even become the lawyer of choice for new converts and been given the chance to meet the movement's founder, the elusive R. A. Stone. Everything looks rosy, until a chance meeting with a strange yet familiar protestor plants a seed of doubt in her mind. Where did the Love Delusion come from, and why can't she remember her life before it?  Who is this strange man and why is there a photo of them together hidden in her home?  Could it be there's something important that she's somehow forgotten?
Although I felt it took much longer to get going than its predecessor, once it did, 'The Love Delusion' definitely kept pace with it.  It was funny, perilous, educational, warm, entertaining and magical and ultimately a good read that brings the whole story to a close.  Unexpectedly, I've also learned a few things from it about Greek myths, which even I didn't realise until I was watching a recent episode of 'Mastermind' and knew some of the answers.

If you enjoyed 'The Gods of Love', I think you'll also enjoy 'The Love Delusion', but if you haven't read either and want to try them, make sure you read them in order, otherwise 'The Love Delusion' won't always make sense.  Both books are a great choice for bright readers of easy-going but interesting fiction with believable female heroes and classically action-packed plots.

I'm really enjoying Mostyn's brand of girls' own adventure stories and I'm already looking forward to seeing what she does next.  Again.  Which I think says it all, really.  So, like, no pressure or anything, Ms. Mostyn...

'The Love Delusion' by Nicola Mostyn was published in September 2019 by Piatkus. This review is based on a free, review copy.

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