Well, I have been reading a bit. My current companion is the unlikely detective Brother Cadfael, who is presently giving a stalker the run around in 'One Corpse Too Many' by Ellis Peters. Other than that, I think I've let myself get a bit distracted by admin. I've rearranged my books a couple of times (at the moment they're in rough order by length, although I think I'm going to change it again to by author, or possibly by author except where I have several books by one author, when I will pick one for my main stack and relegate the others somewhere less tempting. That's at least a day's procrastinating...) and have been regularly tweeting and checking my blog stats. Unsurprisingly, I've not been getting many visitors. After all there's nothing new for you to see!
So, it's time to get back on track otherwise I'm never going to reach a point when I don't feel guilty about walking into a bookshop. Makes me feel a right old perv looking and not buying!
Back to Brother Cadfael it is then...