
24 November 2022

Turning a New Page

A statue of the Greek goddess Athena sitting with a pile of books
You may have noticed that this blog has a new name, 'Words & Cocoa'.  After over a decade blogging, I've decided it's time for a change and I hope you will like it.

In the Beginning...

I started this blog way back in 2011 after two things happened.  One, I realised I had far more books on my TBR pile that I could ever have imagined, and two, I watched 'Julie and Julia' and thought blogging sounded like a great way to turn the challenge into a fun project.  The first incarnation was 'The Girl Who Loves Books', which became 'Eileen Loves Books'.  Since then I've read more than 300 books and shared some thoughts about the interesting ones.  Although I've loved doing this, I've felt for a while now that I'd like to try something new and spread my writing wings a little further.

The Shape of Things to Come

As you may know from meeting me offline or reading my profile, I'm a professional marketer and wordsmith.  I'm interested in a lot of reading- and writing-related topics and hope to be able to post about more of them going forward.  Don't worry, I'll still be writing reviews, but I want to give you more variety and find out what else I can do.

Why 'Words and Cocoa'?

I struggled to come up with a name that, on the one hand, reflected me as a content writer, but was also available on Blogger as I didn't want to change platforms.  You wouldn't believe how many blogs with fab names are sitting dormant on the internet!  

In the end, I found 'Words and Cocoa', a reflection of what I'm interested in and my drink of choice when I'm working.  Cocoa is yummy and it's doctor's orders, honest.  OK, I heard Dr. Michael Mosley on BBC Radio 4 saying that it helped blood flow to the brain, which was good enough for me.  Certainly seems to do something to my writing, but perhaps that's the sugar.  Anyway...

Now, what next...?

I hope you've enjoyed reading my blog so far and that you will continue to do so in the future.  As always, I will aim to keep my reviews fair, honest and entertaining.  As for what else I will post, let's see what happens!

If you want to get in touch via another platform, I'm on Twitter and Instagram.

Thank you for being part of my writing journey and keep reading!