
21 May 2022

Normal Service will Resume Shortly...

 Now, I know I'm not the most regular blogger in the world.  At the end of the day, although I love reading and writing about books and authors, this is an unpaid hobby, and paid work must always come first.  After all, that's how I afford the source reading material!

Over the past couple of years, we've all faced challenges that we would never have dreamt up in our most Orwell/Atwood/Bradbury influenced slumber.  I myself was furloughed, then made redundant, which, when added to everything else, made it very hard to stay my usual optimistic and enthusiastic self.  

Successive lockdowns shrank my world to one room, and it was hard to keep going as it felt like things would never be the same again, that they'd always be not only worse but less predicable and more terrifying.  Certainty left the building taking confidence and, for a time, hope with her.

Fortunately, things have now changed, in terms of Covid at least.  I've gained employment and am now - joy of joys! - back book shopping.  I've even rediscovered a love of novels after many years preferring non-fiction, which has been a pleasant surprise.  Just as well, too, looking at the shelves.  As always, I have much catching up to do!

In short, things are getting back to normal, and I hope that my blogging routine will again soon too.  The joy of sharing new discoveries or old favourites remains, and, well, I've missed you guys!

So, sorry for being away so long, thank you for your patience, and let's see what stories the future holds.

Be kind to each other and happy reading.

Now, what next...?